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We Are The Thin Gray Line!

"The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution. The tenacity with which Confederate soldiers fought underscored their belief in the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was built.


Today, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.


The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.


Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces."


The Major Thomas R. Livingston Camp #2327 was chartered on November 12th, 2020 in Carthage, Missouri. Thirteen men came together for the purpose of honoring the Confederate History of an area rich in such. Less than a year after chartering, the camp has made strong, cooperative connections with a historic home, a local museum, a local historical site and the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The camp continues to make inroads in the community while honoring our priceless heritage.

"Like patriots of old, we fight! Our heritage to save!"

Our Mission

Our Mission

Simple: Defending the Confederate Soldier's good name and guarding his history!


Our Perspective

"...The South conducted itself bravely in an extremely difficult situation. Many of  the things we're proudest of in the American character were exemplified by the Southern soldier, for instance. We take a justifiable pride in the bravery of those men..." - Shelby Foote

Help fund our mission of preserving history! Every cent counts!

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